It also fetches newer features in these earlier builds. The Early Bird feature will download and install the latest available builds as soon as possible even before they are released to the public. After this click on the Relaunch button to restart the web browser. Click on the toggle switch to enable the Early Bird feature.At the very bottom of the GX section, click on Early Bird. In the settings window, select GX category from the side.Click on the Opera GX logo near the top-left corner and select Settings from the menu that appears. If you want to stay on the edge of technology being offered by the Opera GX web browser then you can enable a feature called Early Bird in Opera GX. If you have not installed Opera GX on your desktop computers or mobile devices, then you can get it from. There are also links to great deals when buying games or subscriptions. It shows the calendar of when the new games are being released and when a game is getting updates. Opera GX comes with something called GX Corner from where you can access all the games related news. The web browser is also available for the mobile platforms such as Android and iOS. It has CPU, RAM and network usage controls using which we can control their usage so as to benefit the PC gamers while they are playing the games and live-streaming over to Twitch. If you want to chat with your gaming buddies, then it has WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Discord at your avail. We can also share files with other using the Flow feature. We can access Twitch and Discord from the sidebar easily. It is lightweight and has all the most wanted features so heavily demanded by the PC gamers built into the web browsers.

It is designed specially for online gamers. Opera GX is a special build of the Opera web browser.